Written by Julia Ferreira, co-creator of THE 411: BLOG + BRAND, who participated in our first LEVEL UP: THE PROGRAM in 2020. Read the original blog post on the 411 BLOG + check out their Instagram.

For 30 days I was involved in a wellness activation program called LEVEL UP by B/SPOKE Studios. LEVEL UP is a virtual program that included workshops with coaches in differing pillars, community sessions, and one-on-one sessions. Essentially, LEVEL UP is a way to change your lifestyle and mindset.

During quarantine, I was struggling to find motivation. I was in a funk, and lacked the desire to workout, and if I did end up working out, it was not to the best of my ability. LEVEL UP was created with the intent of  changing your lifestyle, but most importantly to get you to try something new. LEVEL UP gives you the opportunity to educate you about nutrition, mobility, and mindfulness.

The foundational pillars of LEVEL UP include accountability, fitness, nutrition, mobility, and mindfulness. Accountability drives you to want to show up and be present as each LEVEL UP participant has an Accountability Coach that will lead them in the right direction to succeed and establish a positive change in their life. The fitness pillar was put into place to help participants get moving or keep moving through utilizing B/SPOKE On Demand and participating in both live classes and training sessions. Learning about nutrition in a positive way helps you make the biggest impacts in regard to your personal wellness and helps you see the results you want. Mobility and mindfulness are great because they are a way to help you recover physically and emotionally which is an overlooked form of self care that everyone should be incorporating into their life. 

Each week we would meet with our Accountability Coach in both a one-on-one meeting and a cohort meeting, which includes everyone in the program that has the same coaches as you. My accountability coach was Ashley. She was AMAZING. Prior to participating in the program I always viewed Ashley as someone I looked up to and such a ray of sunshine. I knew Ashley beforehand, as she is one of my favorite indoor cycling instructors, but throughout this program I was gifted the opportunity to become close with Ashley and create a friendship. My cohort meetings also helped to create a sense of community. Everyone in my group was of different ages and at different stages in life and we all found a way to learn from one another and support each other. During a difficult time it was amazing to be surrounded by a like-minded, determined community.

Once a week we would have live group workouts and training sessions. KTB was my fitness coach and she was outstanding. The training sessions with KTB opened my eyes to the importance of form in order to get the best results. Everything I learned throughout the training sessions and group workouts will be implemented into every workout I take part in moving forward, whether it is in the studio or doing live classes at home.

On Wednesdays we would have a Nutritional Workshop, and my coach Erin was so knowledgeable. I also have an interest in nutrition but the background knowledge I had on nutrition was mainly from social media and diet trends. Erin diminished the diet culture and gave us simple ways to make huge lifestyle changes to better ourselves. Through slack (a messaging system), everyone in the LEVEL UP program could share their meals. It was awesome to see what everyone was making and it would give me ideas for what to cook next.

Once a week we would have mobility clinics. Before LEVEL UP, I never really knew what mobility was and let me tell you it is not just stretching. I was so sore after every clinic because I was working muscles I didn’t even know I had. Jacqueline, my mobility coach, provided us with the tools to make our bodies be able to perform to the best of their abilities.

Once a week we would have meditation sessions which were helpful as I have also struggled with mindfulness. I am the type of person who is always “go, go, go” and meditating was something I never knew I needed in my life. Taryn showed me that it is okay to not get it on the first try and that it is going to be weird and uncomfortable because it probably is something you have never done before, but to actually be present showed me how powerful it is.

Over the 30 days participants have unlimited access to B/SPOKE On Demand and you are provided with guidance on what workouts to complete each day, which helped me stay active when I was in a funk during quarantine. I started to look forward to working out again, because for me working out has always been a way to help me destress and time for me to focus on myself. Through completing this program I started to feel normal again, and broadened by definition of what it means to care for myself.


“WOW. Where to start! From a coaching perspective, I couldn’t have asked for a better group to kick off our very first Coaching Program at B/SPOKE Studios! Our LEVEL UP program (and participants!) TRULY took on a momentum and life of its own — it was honor to work with and get to know each and every person over the four short weeks we spent together.I think the most beautiful thing about the whole LEVEL UP coaching process was witnessing everyone’s “WHY” evolve and change as we dove deeper into the five pillars of LEVEL UP each week (Accountability, Fitness, Mindfulness, Mobility, and Nutrition). This program was not about weight loss or counting calories — and it was never meant to be. It was about looking inward. It was about dedicating time and attention to yourself — setting realistic goals — and holding yourself accountable to them. It was about throwing out the idea of “perfection” and acknowledging that change and growth takes time and patience — and most importantly, that being kind to yourself and doing the best you can is MORE than enough. Keep an eye out for our next round of LEVEL UP! We’re just getting started!”

– Ashley Basiri @ashleybasiri (Accountability Pillar)


“I loved the community aspect of LEVEL UP to support and promote healthy lifestyle adjustments. I find it so helpful for people to come together and discuss their nutrition as a group because they always find that they’re not alone. Everyone in the discussions had similar food or health experiences and it reminds us all that we’re just human! We’re not crazy, and it’s not just us who feels confused or overwhelmed with our food/diet culture. We’re all going through it together and that can help us all heal and rebalance that sensitive relationship. The goal with connected, deep nutrition is not perfection, but nourishment.”

 – Erin Murray @erinsuncommoneats (Nutrition Pillar) 


“It was such an honor to teach and educate the LEVEL UP community on how to move better and learn more about the body. It was beyond amazing watching everyone grow and take ownership over their movement throughout the program. The shift in participants wasn’t just physical but the overall wellness shift was incredible!” 

– Jacqueline Meth @themethod.pt (Mobility Pillar)


“Being the fitness coach for LEVEL UP  was a great opportunity to work more closely with members of the B/SPOKE community. I focused on different areas of the body in each session, breaking down the form and function of movements so participants would feel strong and confident in all of their future workouts!”

 – Katie Barret (KTB) @katiebarrettbrown (Fitness Pillar) 


LEVEL UP provided me with the structure that I was missing. The work you put into this program defined what you got out of it. For me I learned so much about myself and ways to better myself everyday. I would set goals for myself and work hard and I will continue to do this now that LEVEL UP has ended. Overall, THESE COACHES ARE AMAZING!!! I have continued to learn so much and I am so grateful to have interacted with all of the coaches and participants.

Every week I was mind blown by the amazing community that has been created. I am very grateful that I was able to be part of this. I promise this program will change your life and give you resources and knowledge you never knew you needed. 

If you have any questions about LEVEL UP: THE PROGRAM or want to learn more please feel free to message me @juliajean9.



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